Address: 601 S Rancho Dr, Ste D29 Las Vegas, NV 89106
Office Phone: 7028430551
Office Fax: 7025833082
Hours of Operations
Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri : 8AM- 4PM
Tuesday: 8Am - 5PM
Saturday (Once a month) : 9AM - 12PM
How Does It Work
First, you would have to call us to schedule an appointment. Once we gather your information (Personal and Insurance), we schedule an appointment for a date and time that is convenient for you. On your day of appointment, we request that you arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment for your paperwork to be completed. We also request that you bring a photo ID and your insurance card, as you will not be seen without these cards. You are responsible to know you insurance benefits (co-pays, deductible and coinsurance) which are due at the time of service, we are more than happy to assist you to find these informations. Once your paperwork is completed and you are checked in, you will be seen by our provider.
Insurance Accepted
If you do not see your insurance logo, please give us a call !
601 S Rancho Dr., Ste D29, Las Vegas, NV 89106
Call Us 7028430551
Fax 7025833082